Florence Falana

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Hi my name is Florence Falana; you can call me Flo.
I’ve lived in three countries growing up, America, Nigeria, and I currently reside in the United Kingdom.
My journey in the fashion industry started at 16 years old as I had a friend already in the industry. He had castings he did not want to go to by himself, so I simply followed him and ended up getting casted for a LFW Runway show (Alexandra Moura SS19).
I had to do my invoice and everything associated with the agency side of things and it was a wonderfully surreal moment.
Three years down the line I managed to get signed and I'm working in the fashion industry professionally.
My first fashion week I was initially requested by Vivian Westwood and at the casting I thought I had failed miserably failed. Unbeknownst to me they called me for a fitting, I was unsuccessful in making it any further.
Months go by, I'm working with brands such as Bianca Sunders to name a few, and then get request yet again by Vivian. This time for their E-commerce collections. Through this I met the lady in charge of their UK sales.
From this point we would shoot frequently together. Vivian would always be on set which is where I took the initiative to she her the Art-works I was producing whilst on my Art course, she emphatically urged me to pursue the Arts, introducing me to her friend, an artist and this is the beginning of my networking with Artists.
Subsequently I met an amazing fine artist, among a multitude of others who work in portraiture (Curtis Holder). He has done a total of 3 pieces on me so far. One recently for the world reimagined, that aims to transform our understanding of the transatlantic slave trade.
These individuals I met through my working in fashion have inspired and pushed me to purse my passion in the face of all odds.